Saturday, December 13, 2008

How to Make Money with YOUR Portal Site

There are multiple ways you can make money using your free portal site. Read through the below sections to learn different tricks and tops of making money using your portal site.

Money making idea # 1 - Show CPC or CPM ads on your portal site from multiple advertising agencies: This is very basic and must-have thing if you want to start making money with your portal site quickly and effectively. It is very important that you open an account with multiple ad providers like Google Adsense, Bidvertiser or Adbrite or any similar renowned ad provider and start showing their banner ads on your portal site. Depending on what template you have chosen, you will have an option of showing 2 or more ad formats on your portal. All basic ad formats are available. You just need to log in and add the banner codes from your member's area. Once the site admin has approved your banner codes, those banners will start showing on your portal site. All new portal sites are effectively advertised on the main page of this site. You are bound to make money. It is very difficult not to make money if the banners are running on your portal site as soon as possible. So if you have not done so, please add the banners before you read other tricks on this page.

Money making idea # 2
- Pick a niche area and promote using PPC or other advertising means - This is a very effective method of making money using your portal site. Let us take an example. Let us say that you pick "web hosting" as a niche area that you would like to concentrate on. Now you can checkout the web hosting category on your portal. It is already showing many listings with 20 shown at a time on each page. What you could do in this case is start promoting this page using any valid advertising method - something like - "TOP 20 HOSTING SITES" or "TOP HOSTING RESOURCES" or something similar. You need to be innovative here. Now let us see point-by-point what happens when you pick a niche and promote it in this fashion -
# First, when you say "TOP" anything, it instantly generates interest and you will find it effective way of promoting anything. If you look at it, these are actually top sites otherwise they would not end up on top 20 places in ClickBank marketplace. So you are not really misleading anyone. So the ethical angle is also covered.
# Secondly, once you bring people to your portal who are looking for "TOP" sites (in our example we said "TOP HOSTING SITES") they are going to study your portal site looking for the advertised "TOP" sites. Curious visitors like this are HOT COMMODITY - no doubt about that. These are the potential buyers - otherwise why would they click on your ad and come to see the "TOP" sites that you have to show them.
# Thirdly, once you have curious visitors they are not going to leave before they make you money either by clicking here and there or by buying from the ClickBank sellers or by peeking into your "Top income programs" link.
All-in-all, you are going to make some money at the end of it. Very effective and very widely used money making idea folks! Use it!

Money making idea # 3 - Sell portal sites on eBay - You can prepare portal sites and buy our domain name service and once the portal is ready, sell those domains on eBay. This will need a bit of an investment and is little bit risky but if you are good at selling stuff on eBay, you can take this route. There are multiple advantages of using this money-making idea. First is that when you setup a domain, you set it up with your own ads on it. When the portal is put up for sell on eBay, while the auction is running, many visitors will come and visit the portal. They will make you money while the auction is running. Once the portal is sold on eBay, you can transfer the domain to them and add their ads on the portal and hand it over to them. It really depends on how well you sell the portal sites on eBay. More the auction winning bid, more is your profit. Not to mention that while the auction is running the visitors generated from eBay are going to make you money in multiple ways while the auction is live. There is no end to how much creative you can be in this. Just be careful and avoid violating any of the policies but as long as you are within eBay policies and policies of the services you are utilizing, you have only sky as the limit to the money you can earn.

Money making idea # 4 - Add the referral links and top income program referral codes - Your portal is not 100% effective until you complete the setup by entering all the referral codes for all the advertised programs. You will earn passive income only when you have your referral codes showing on your portal. Every day you go without your own referral links on your portal, you potentially loose quite a lot of money. Remember that it is your portal site, make sure you have everything in place that will make you money - not your sponsor. Everytime you don't have a referral link, your sponsor's link is being shown in that place making your sponsor money. You are loosing that money every day you delay.


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