Saturday, December 13, 2008

Free Live Blog Traffic Widget

Ever want to know things like who’s visited your web site, where they came from, and what they’re reading? Well, now you can with this cool free blog widget by FEEDJIT. They provide a simple page where you select one of four widgets which are: live traffic feed, live traffic map, live recommended reading, or live page popularity.

It couldn’t be any easier for Blogger users to install. Just click on the “Add It” link and a Blogger icon will appear. Click on that and it will take you to your Blogger site asking to install the widget. Same goes for Typepad users. WordPress or other web site owners will need to copy the small bit of javascript and paste it somewhere on your site.

Having this widget on your blog makes it fun to look at your site each day and see who’s recently stopped by. Knowing that people from all over the world actually read some of your content is pretty rewarding. Also knowing what sites they came from provides some good data especially if you don’t have any blog analytics like Google Analytics running on your site.

Go and get your free FEEDJIT blog widget and get a better idea of who’s coming to your blog!

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"If There Is Will, There Is a Way"

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